students working

Student Support Services

  • 603-464-7715

    Stacey Vazquez-Director of Student Support Services

    Heather Greene-Administrative Assistant to Director of Student Support Services

    Veronica Hytner-Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School Special Ed Building Coordinator

    Brittany Morrill-Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School Special Ed Office Paraprofessional

    Dorothy O'Rourke-Hillsboro-Deering Middle School Special Ed Building Coordinator

    Melissa Muzzy-Hillsboro-Deering High School Special Ed Building CoordinatorCheryl Ibarra

    Cheryl Ibarra-Hillsboro-Deering Middle and High School Special Ed Office Paraprofessional

    Ann Malone- Washington Elementary School Special Educator


Special Education Mission Statement

  • SAU #34 has adopted an inclusive philosophy for all students with disabilities corresponding to the belief that all students can and will learn, especially if those around them believe that to be true.  We believe that all students will be educated to the maximum extent appropriate for each student and each classroom in an effort to provide them with the skills necessary to enjoy full membership in the school community and the community at large.

    At the heart of the district's mission is the belief that its primary purpose is to provide all students with opportunities to develop competency, reasoning and problem solving skills in the core curriculum areas of English, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Technology, Foreign Language, Physical Education and the Arts. Curricula will be designed to integrate academic learning with practical and technical knowledge, while developing students' skills and interests.