• Welcome,

    Hillcat Theatre is an educational theatre effort of SAU 34, offering students, community members, teachers and staff the opportunity to participate in a fully developed musical production over the summer vacation. It is an intensive, month+ long process, culminating in performances in the month of July. 

    Dramatic, technical, as well as the operational aspects of a theatrical effort are presented as educational elements. Our cast and crew usually consists of forty to sixty members, comprised of current K-12 students, students returning from college, staff members, and members of the Hillsboro-Deering Community. 

    Our theatre is a highly satisfying experience for all and we encourage and welcome all area residents who would like to participate in a genuine theatrical experience to come and get involved. While we are school sponsored, we are not funded by the school district,we are generously funded by The Duncan-Jenkins Trust who make this effort possible.

    This past year (2023) we had the pleasure of doing the amazing "Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella"!  We enjoyed performing all three nights to the amazing community and embrace the support given in the local, community theatre. It filled our cast and crew knowing there is still a love for this art after the hiatus due to covid. With happiness and pride, Hillcat Theatre's production team is working hard to determine the next production coming Summer 2024. We hope to see many familiar faces both in audtions and the crowds the next production year! 

    Thank you so much to our amazing Community, Ads in our Playbill, and Duncan-Jenkins Trust for all the support in our productions. We could not do it without you all!

    See you all at our next production!

  • For information contact

    Mary-Rose Carter, Hillcat Theatre Producer

    @ mcarter@hdsd.org
